Star Bright

Star Bright is a song added to our new Hymns in 2024. This song was written by Lorin F Wheelwright, 1959. Brother Wheelwright was involved in music education for the Salt Lake Public Schools and other colleges. He also served as a special assistant to BYU President Dallin H Oaks. Wheelwright also wrote “Mother I Love You” found in the Primary Songbook.

It is noted at the end of the music that this song is written from the point of view of the people in the Book of Mormon who were looking for the prophesied signs of the Savior’s birth. (see Helaman 14: 1-7) This would be a great time to review the signs Samuel the Lamanite told the Nephites about to mark the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem.

Music Theory

This is a two-part Christmas anthem. It was intended for accompaniment with guitar and keyboard.

You could choose to add the harmony with an extra singer, possibly a teacher or older youth who is comfortable with harmony, but having all the primary singing the melody note throughout would be just fine!

The first two notes of the chorus is an octave jump for a voice. It would be a fun exercise to start on the first chorus note as count 1 and then count up 2, 3, 4 etc as they raise their voices up. That will help them get used to that jump.

Picture Flip Charts

I have made a picture flip chart to help with the teaching of this song. One option when you teach the verses is to use the flip chart with puzzle. These pictures are cut along the line and the children match them together as you learn the words. There is a flip chart without the puzzle line here.

I will glue the chorus picture flip chart back to back for each phrase. I will attach a ribbon to them so they can turn easily. I will hold the ribbon on our board with a magnet, allowing me or a child to turn the pictures front to back as we sing each phrase. With this method, I can utilize a child who has been singing their best to help me with this part of the song. Other children will help with the verses to match the puzzle pieces. As they get better at the song, I will remove puzzle pieces a few at a time, sometimes the top piece, sometimes the bottom piece.

Here is an example of my board in primary.

When you use a picture flip chart, you must be very familiar with the words of the song so that you confidently teach them correctly. I have made a quick word chart for you here.

Here is a YouTube video with words for you to practice with!

Download a copy of the Picture Flip Chart Chorus Here

Download a copy of the Picture Flip Chart for the verses with the puzzle Here

Download a copy of the Picture Flip Chart for the verses without the puzzle Here