Stand for the Right

(President Nelson Style) Joseph Ballantyne, 1868-1944, wrote the original song. He also authored other well-known children’s songs, such as Jesus Once Was a Little Child, Little Purple Pansies, and Shine On. You can find a link to the original song from the Children’s Songbook here. Gospel Teaching Here are some ways to define “True.” As…… Continue reading Stand for the Right

Star Bright

Star Bright is a song added to our new Hymns in 2024. This song was written by Lorin F Wheelwright, 1959. Brother Wheelwright was involved in music education for the Salt Lake Public Schools and other colleges. He also served as a special assistant to BYU President Dallin H Oaks. Wheelwright also wrote “Mother I…… Continue reading Star Bright


The song Faith in the Primary Children’s Songbook Pg 96-97 is a wonderful song exploring the ideas of things your primary children may already believe in. Of course, the analogy of the seed is a perfect way to describe faith, but there are many other simple things that you could also talk about to help…… Continue reading Faith