This arrangement is of When He Comes Again (LDS Children’s songbook pg 82-83)
Visual Aids
I have created two flipcharts here to help with teaching the words of this song. One is for verse 1 and another for verse 2. These flipcharts show keywords as triggers for memory work. These charts do not list every word of the song. Singing the words over and over will help with memorization. I like to make a “songbook” out of these pictures so that I can hold them in one hand and flip the pages like a book. I usually put the pictures back to back and bind them together with a strong tape (like a book). You may consider this idea as you print these two flipcharts using the option to print front to back.
I have also created a YouTube sing along video with this arrangement. Feel free to use this.
Music Methods
This would be a great song to work on Dynamics. Dynamics are the louds and softs of a song. We call our loud music Forte and our quiet music Piano. When we want to get louder in a song, we call that Crescendo. When we want to get quiet, we call that Decrescendo or Diminuendo.
As music notes rise on the music scale, it is natural for our voices to get louder. Your primary can practice that on the part that says, I wonder if one star will shine. Another rise in sound would be on the words, will daylight stay the whole night through. The last part that rises in this song is the words because He said in days gone by.
As the music leader, you will need to direct bigger through these sections. That means opening your arms wider or lifting them higher. This might feel uncomfortable, but with some practice, you will get used to it and the primary children will be able to watch you and understand what you want them to do.
If you are using my arrangement, I have made a very distinct change in volume on the last verse last line on the words little child. Please have your children crescendo on You’ve served me well my little. Then get softer quickly on child.
Don’t forget to have them watch you on the last note and hold until you cut them off. This will also take practice for your children, but they can do it!
Gospel Teaching
When teaching children about the Second Coming, it is important to always focus on the good things to look forward to. Some keywords from the song can help with this. When Jesus comes again we will be able to:
Gather around Him
Look on His loving face
Join with Him in prayer
I will feel of His love
Another topic to discuss is the things that they can be doing to prepare for His second coming. Here is a link to a game from an older lesson manual.
This is a link to the whole lesson, which might give you several ideas on words or phrases you can speak about on the topic of the Second Coming.