This is a primary song featured in the new hymnbook #1004. Music and words were written by Stephen P Schank in 2019. He serves on the committees of the new hymnbook and new children’s songbook of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Walking with Jesus means that we are in step with Him.…… Continue reading I Will Walk with Jesus
Category: teaching music ideas
My Own Sacred Grove
Download a copy of the Flipchart here
Give Said the Little Stream
Give Said the Little Stream Pg 236 of the Children’s songbook is a classic song know by many children and adults. The sweet message of this song is that even though you might be little, you are powerful and have many things you can do and gifts to give. I have made a flipchart to…… Continue reading Give Said the Little Stream
Have I Done Any Good?
This is an arrangement of Hymn 223 in the LDS Hymnbook. I have arranged this hymn to be in a lower voice range than the original. It is also an easier piano accompaniment for those who need that. I have created a YouTube video to go along with this arrangement and you can find it…… Continue reading Have I Done Any Good?
When He Comes Again
This arrangement is of When He Comes Again (LDS Children’s songbook pg 82-83) Visual Aids I have created two flipcharts here to help with teaching the words of this song. One is for verse 1 and another for verse 2. These flipcharts show keywords as triggers for memory work. These charts do not list every…… Continue reading When He Comes Again
The song Faith in the Primary Children’s Songbook Pg 96-97 is a wonderful song exploring the ideas of things your primary children may already believe in. Of course, the analogy of the seed is a perfect way to describe faith, but there are many other simple things that you could also talk about to help…… Continue reading Faith
The Iron Rod
The Iron Rod is Hymn 274. This is a great song relating to the vision of the Tree of Life that Lehi and Nephi saw. The vision from Lehi can be found in 1 Nephi chapter 8, and then Nephi’s vision and interpretation can be found in 1 Nephi chapter 11 thru 14. In the…… Continue reading The Iron Rod
An Angel Came to Joseph Smith
This is an awesome song that summarizes the Book of Mormon and encourages the singer to read it and realize that the Lord loves all of us and that He has a plan for all of us. I created this arrangement for two reasons. The first is that the original accompaniment is very hard to…… Continue reading An Angel Came to Joseph Smith
Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Arrangement
This is an arrangement I wrote to Tell Me the Stories of Jesus. It is on Pg 57 of the Children’s Songbook. In our primary, we got a late start on learning this song, so let me share what we did to make it look like we were better prepared! I taught everyone in the…… Continue reading Tell Me the Stories of Jesus Arrangement
We’ll Bring the World His Truth
These teaching aids go along with an arrangement I wrote for We’ll Bring the World His Truth written by Janice Kapp Perry b.1938 and is pg. 172 in the Primary Children’s Songbook. This is an upbeat, strong marchy song, amazingly written in a 3/4 time signature. Most marches are four counts per measure which lends…… Continue reading We’ll Bring the World His Truth