An Angel Came to Joseph Smith

This is an awesome song that summarizes the Book of Mormon and encourages the singer to read it and realize that the Lord loves all of us and that He has a plan for all of us. I created this arrangement for two reasons. The first is that the original accompaniment is very hard to play! I have had primary pianists stress over this piano part, hence the need for an easier accompaniment. The second is more personal, I needed it lower. I am an alto voice and getting up to that high E was not pretty. I only lowered it one note, but it is now doable!

I have created a flipchart to help you teach this song. You can download it here. The words in black correspond with the 3/4 time signature, the words in red correspond with the 2/4 time signature. Using the music method below, this flipchart should help you in teaching this wonderful rhythm!

I have also made a Youtube video to listen to this arrangement.

Music Method

This is a perfect song to discuss beats in a song. Every song has beats or a rhythm that you can tap or clap along with. In An Angel Came to Joseph Smith, the beats actually change a few times during the song! I would encourage you to clap, snap, and count out loud the rhythm before you even start teaching the melody. Have your pianist play the song while you clap and count out loud:

3/4 time: (clap)1-2-3, (clap)1-2-3

2/4 time: (snap 4 times)1 and 2 and

3/4 time: (clap)1-2-3, (clap)1-2-3, (clap)1-2-3

2/4 time: (snap 4 times)1 and 2 and

3/4 time: (clap)1-2-3.

Now you are ready to start saying the words with the rhythm. Don’t worry about singing quite yet! Change up the 3 claps in your previous exercise to one slap on the thighs, one clap, one snap. Keep the 4 fast snaps.

An* (snap)

Thigh, clap, snap (angel came to )

Thigh, clap, snap (Joseph Smith)

snap, snap, snap, snap (and from the ground he )

Thigh, clap, snap (took * a )

Thigh, clap, snap (sacred record)

Thigh, clap, snap (hidden there a)

snap, snap, snap, snap (precious holy)

Thigh, clap, snap (book * It)

*The beginning word of the song “An” will begin with a snap! Then you are on track for the whole rest of the song. Something fun at the very end of the song will be to challenge the children to end the song with a snap at the very same time. The piano part is written so that there will be silence on count three at the end of the song so that the snap can easily be heard.

Visuals Aids

This is a very “wordy” song and moves along fast. You could write out the words on a poster board making each verse a different color so it is easy to keep track of where we are. With the younger children, your teaching will just have to be repeated over and over. I’ve also created a flipchart to use. The words in black are in the 3/4 time signature and the words in red are in the 2/4 time signature. Check out the music method above for a fun way to use this unique rhythm!

A few tips for teaching:

After the children have mastered the thigh slap, clap, and snap rhythm, this song can be used while encouraging movement. They could sit during the 3/4 time and stand on the 2/4 time. They could walk around the room on the 3/4 time and stop marching on the 2/4 time. The children could sing on the 3/4 time and the teachers on the 2/4 time, etc.

Gospel Teaching

The Eighth Article of Faith song would be a great supplement to this song. You could also lean into a discussion about Joseph Smith and how he received the plates and translated them. There are some great church history stories that teach about witnesses, the lost 116 pages, the process of translation, etc.

Download a copy of An Angel Came to Joseph Smith Arrangement here

Download a copy of An Angel Came to Joseph Smith Flipchart here