Stand for the Right

(President Nelson Style)

Joseph Ballantyne, 1868-1944, wrote the original song. He also authored other well-known children’s songs, such as Jesus Once Was a Little Child, Little Purple Pansies, and Shine On. You can find a link to the original song from the Children’s Songbook here.

Gospel Teaching

Here are some ways to define “True.” As an adjective, it could be explained as accurate or exact. You could use the example of true colors or play a true or false game. As a verb, such as in construction, it could mean the exact shape, alignment, or position required. You could show a tool such as a square and explain the true lines and corners this makes.

How can I be true? Here are some ways to explain. Know yourself and what you believe. Discover what is important to you and what you value, then stick to it. Be honest with yourself and others. Be confident and do what is right in all areas of your life.

I focused my arrangment on the words of our prophet President Russel M Nelson. Learning these words and talking about them with your primary children will give them an opportunity to understand them better and apply them in situations in their lives.

There are several ways that you can adapt this song to your primary. You could add more words in the repeated part as the children hear them from the prophet at a conference. You could divide the primary into groups and have them sing phrases. You could sing the first two verses and end there. You could spend some time on each topic, relating stories or events that the children can relate to.

Music Method

I have arranged this song a step down from the original piece. The highest note in my arrangement is a treble C. I have created a recording of this song for you to listen to. You can watch the video here.

Feel free to add your own words or the children’s ideas to the repeated part of this song.

Visual Aids

Here is a flip chart to help with the teaching of this song. You can cut out the words said by the prophet and have the children place them around the picture of the prophet.

You can download a copy of the flipchart here

Here is a picture of how you could present it on your board.

Download a copy of the music here

Download a copy of the Flipchart Here